Vortex of light Painting by Valerie Anne Kelly | Saatchi Art

Buy Prints of Vortex of light, an Acrylic Painting on Canvas, by Valerie Anne Kelly from United Kingdom, Not for sale, Price is $, Size is 20 x 20 x 1.8 in.
— Read on www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Vortex-of-light/283317/4583310/view

Painting: Acrylic and Metal on Canvas.

Abstract painting portraying a vortex of light.
Ever trying to capture the elusive light and always exploring new ways to portray my heART ❤️ 

Underwater series



In this series I wanted to portray the dynamics and abstract essence of water, along with all the little creatures that live in it. Using Acrylic inks and textures on the canvas then blowing through a straw and sprinkling salt on to create a frenzy of bubbles. To get the feel of action under the water, be it river or ocean.

Through my abstract organic artworks I try to encapture the light, harmonious energies, colours and rhythms of nature.

Am always trying to portray an other worldly feeling in my paintings, of the spirit and light shining through the canvas, to reflect the light around and inside the painting.
I am totally inspired everyday to paint ‘my heart onto canvas for you’. Observing and feeling with my senses the beauty that surrounds us in this amazing world. Picking the colours from the air, always striving to capture that elusive light’
Whatever the medium or technique I am a great believer in the healing energy of art and create ART from the heART.♥


All images©V.Kelly2016 All rights reserved. Copying and/or distributing these images without my permission is strictly prohibited.

“Dreamcatcher’…” by Valerie Anne Kelly

In this painting I wanted to portray the Native American culture in all it’s diversity. Using a head dress and a dreamcatcher with feathers and the raw sienna colours in my palette,to depict the hot desert and colourful tribes.
Hopefully illustrating the essence of this noble race.

Tradigital modern fine art
Software – Wacom BambooTablet/PSCS6

A dreamcatcher is a handmade object based on a hoop (traditionally of willow), incorporating a loose net, and decorated with items unique to the particular dreamcatcher. There is a traditional belief that a dreamcatcher filters a person’s dreams, letting through only the good ones.

 Available to purchase on a variety of goods @  “Dreamcatcher’…” by Valerie Anne Kelly | Redbubble.

or buy a Wall Tapestry HERE


Pooh sticks by Valerie Anne Kelly

I hope you my enjoy my journal – seeing the stages of creating A Tradigital piece of artwork…LINK

“Abstract(Tradigital) – Work in Progress(WIP)” by Valerie Anne Kelly | Redbubble.

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh –

Pooh sticks



ART from my heART   :-} Valz ♥
